Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 10:07 AM
Subject: WHITE BLOGS EERDMANS [04/28--2005]

On his blogsite today, Apologetic Blogger James White has turned his attention away from "Ole Bob" and is blogging about a book by the William B. Eerdmans' publishing company which promotes Mormonism. Here is his blogitorial:

As I look around my office I see literally hundreds of volumes produced by the venerable old Christian publishing house, Eerdmans. Many of my best resources bear that name on the spine. And I truly wonder what the founders of that company would think about its newest book.
   Robert Millet is the Richard L. Evans Professor of Religious Understanding and professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University. A believing Mormon, he has been key in the dialogues taking place between certain non-LDS scholars and pastors and LDS scholars from BYU. His book, Another Jesus?, though advertised by Eerdmans as a work "intended to inform rather than to convince or persuade," is pure apologetic from start to finish. You could find this kind of work at your local LDS bookstore, but thanks to Richard Mouw of Fuller Seminary, now you will be able to find it in your Christian bookstore, too! Yes, friends and neighbors, not only has Richard Mouw apologized for all of us mean-spirited folks who have labored to witness the true God and the true Christ and the true Gospel to Mormons for decades, but now he has made sure to provide a "Trojan Horse Apologetic," a work that attacks the Trinity, deity of Christ, sola scriptura, justification by grace through faith alone, the sovereignty of God in salvation, the finished work of Christ on the cross" etc. etc.
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What Apostle James could have told his readers is that Eerdmans is a Pedobaptist-owned company and has been one of the greatest advocates and promoters of (1) pre-faith regeneration, (2) the presumed regeneration and baptism at an early age of "elect" nfants, (3) infant church membership, and (4) pre-faith regeneration without the necessary instrumentality of the Word of God as a means. White is at least an apologist for the first and fourth points of these views advocated by Eerdmans.

In view of Pedobaptist Eerdmans practice of publishing and promoting books of false doctrine -- (which is not really a new thing with Eerdmans) -- it raises the question as to the "cause and effect" connection that might possibly exist between the theory of pre-faith regeneration and ultimate apostasy from the truth.

When we consider the apostasy of the pre-faith regenerated Pedobaptists which occurred in Europe and England, in addition to the apostasy of Pedobaptists in New England and in the Pedobaptist schools and churches all across the United States, we wonder if the filling of the churches with pre-faith "regenerated" infants as members might have made a significant contribution to this apostasy? With the addition to the churches of "regenerated" infants, is it really surprising that in due course of time apostasy takes over?

Furthermore, why should it be thought strange that Eerdmans would publish a book favorable to Mormonism? After all, for years Eerdmans has published books which asserted the fiction of "presumptive regeneration . . . in connection with elect children," so why should we marvel if they publish a book which embellishes Mormonism? Is one fiction any more credible than the other? -- Bob L. Ross

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