I do love to think that the gospel is suitable to little children. There are
boys and girls in many of our Sabbath-school classes down below stairs
who are as truly converted to God as any of us. . . . But a minister who
preaches as though he never wanted to bring children to Christ, and shoots right
over the little one's heads, I do think Jesus is displeased with him. . .
It ought to be, and in those Churches where the gospel is simply
preached, it is as common a thing for children to be converted as for
grown-up people to be brought to Christ.
Spurgeon was
obviously referring to children capable of faith, not to children
incapable of faith, such as Shedd and Berkhof are discussing.
I hope this
makes it clear that too my knowledge, I have never alleged the the Reformed
Pedobaptists teach the idea of "baptismal regeneration," but they do teach
that the children of believers may be assumed to receive the "covenant"
blessing of regeneration by a "direct operation" sometime very, very early in
infancy, before they come to years of discretion. -- Bob L. Ross
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