Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 4:22 PM
Subject: THE ORIGINAL "BIBLE CORRECTORS" [09/01--2005]
"BIBLE CORRECTORS"?  [09/01--2005]

For years, we have rejected and refuted the modern "King James Only" theorists who insist that the KJV is a "perfect" translation. I remember the first little article I wrote on this back in 1988, called "King James Only Hokey." Since that time, we have taken notice of and refuted every conceivable argument put forth by the entrepreneurs who have "made a good living" commercializing "King James Onlyism" merchandise -- such as Ruckman, Riplinger, Cloud, Marrs, Chick, Gipp, Chambers, and others. They have packaged and sold "King James Onlyism" in the form of books, cassettes, DVDs, videos, magazines, tracts, pictures, posters, beltbuckles, baseball caps, mugs, cups, buttons, bumper stickers, T-shirts, carrying bags, emblems, conferences, Bible schools, and whatever else they can print "AV 1611" on the product. Some have managed to build cult-like followings to whom they can promote and sell their KJVO products.

As a result of rejecting the palabber of such entrepreneurs, we are called "Bible Correctors," a term they use to castigate anyone and everyone who does not go along with what is published in "Bible Believers' Bulletin," "The Flaming Torch," "New Age Bible Versions," "Chick Comics," "The Answer Book," "Final Authority," and similar palabberous products of the "King James Only Arts, Crafts, & Fancy Twistings and Turnings Manufacturing Company."

Their phantasmagoria never once caused me to even think of ceasing to use the King James Bible, nor believing it is the inspired Word of God in every instance where it accurately translates the Hebrew and Greek. If Ruckman "NEVER SAID" the Word of God (KJB) was "INSPIRED," I knew I was way ahead of him in my estimation of the KJB. I quote it in my writings, and when I preach I use it. In Pasadena, Texas where I have had the Pilgrim Book Store for 33 years, we have put more King James Bibles into the homes of the citizens of this city than perhaps all the "King James Onlys" of this county combined.

The "perfect translation" theory chokes to death on one word, "baptize," from the Latin Vulgate's transliterated word, and at the most two words, "baptize" and "church."

Neither word is an actual translation of the Greek into English, and neither word presents the meaning of the Greek word. Baptists have always had to explain what the word "baptism" means and what "church" means, thanks to the KJB translators' failure to translate the Greek into meaningful English terms.

These two words appear in the KJB because King James' "rules" called for the retention of the "old ecclesiastical words," and "baptize" and "church" were two of them. See King James' Rules to the Translators and The Translators to the Reader:
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Lately, I have been engaged in some email exchanges with KJVOs, and by now they have just about "run out of gas," as their arguments have been refuted. Here is a recent email from one of the hangers-on, and my comments concerning "Bible Correctors," the ORIGINAL CORRECTORS being the King James translators themselves:

In a message dated 8/31/2005 10:49:55 AM Central Daylight Time, a "King James Onlyite" writes:

Leave the Bible correctors cult.


The Original Bible Correctors were the King James Translators. I quote from their treatise by Dr. Miles Smith, one of the translators, published by Peter S. Ruckman:

"For by this means it cometh to pass, that whatsoever is sound already (and all is sound for substance, in one or other of our [English] editions, and the worst of ours far better than their [Roman Catholic] authentic vulgar) the same will shine as gold more brightly, being rubbed and polished; also, if anything be halting, or superfluous, or not so agreeable to the original, the same may be CORRECTED, and the truth set in place. And what can the King command to be done, that will bring him more true honour than this?" (The Translators to the Readers, page 16, Ruckman edition).

Please note that KJV translators were "CORRECTORS," and their "final authority" was their own judgment as to what was "agreeable to the original."

There were some good English Bibles available then, the Translators themselves being the witnesses. But the King did not like the Geneva Bible, for it had been the Bible of the English-speaking Puritan reformers -- contrary to Ruckman's palabber about the KJV. The King hated the Calvinism in the marginal notes, and he wanted a new version which would exclude those marginal notes. (See An Introduction to the Geneva Bible at this website: ><

These are your ORIGINAL BIBLE CORRECTORS -- The King James Translators themselves. They set out to "correct" the English versions then in use.

Also notice, they were concerned to bring "honour" to King James, whose "rules" they carefully followed in not translating "baptize" and "ekklesia" properly. After all, he was the HEAD of the state Church of England, and the "DEFENDER OF THE FAITH," and if anybody didn't think so, they might be sent to the stake for High Treason! He sent two men to stake about the same time the KJV first appeared, and for no other reasons than their religious differences with the King and the Church of England.

My Last 10 Email Articles --
THE ETERNAL SON [08/22-2005] 
REMISSION OF SINS [08/18--2005] 
SIMPLE FAITH by SPURGEON [08/14--2005] 

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